terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2018


            Mano: isso aqui era um fds inteiro de felicidade!
          saudades Hebe perguntando se eu tinha +18

Sometimes we just need to put on radio in BBC 01 (now its 2 pm there), to remember lovely moments like the days when I was preparing my lunch after LM, eating Yogurt from ASDA, and then clear the house, to have a shower for go to Larry's home.

Now I only have the radio, my memories (powerful memories!), and the annnouncers with the best accent! Blessed Im understanding  big part!!!

(There's no way I can not remember all this with this time in Brazil.)

Um comentário:

Prince Harry disse...

So, buy some Chamito, Pomarola and Diamante Negro bars, tune the radio on Jovem Pan and enjoy this lovely country #sqn